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Get Cash Keep Control BLOG

Converting growth potential into profitable reality — with resources that keep YOU in control


Archive for February, 2011

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By Stefania Aulicino

Growing a business deserves to be fun and profitable.

Sara knows the importance of fast customer service when someone wants to buy.
Her expertise is credit card processing and customer support
Her focus is the higher education market, with its unique needs.
She used her innovative approach and became a leader in the field.
Her reward was revenue growth to $ 6 million at a rate which won her a spot on the Inc 500 list of fastest growing companies.

So what is the problem?
She is tired. Work is consuming her time so she can’t do the other things she loves.

Sell ….. Sara was entertaining the idea of selling her company.
Because Sara’s company had low profits today, the valuation she could get was capped.
She had ideas of a new suite of products and some automation which could propel her company to $100 million revenue. Any buyer would tie their purchase price “valuation” to future profits obligating Sara to deliver milestone success for a new owner during a transition period. Problem is she would have no ownership or authority to direct the actions she knew were necessary.

Sara was about to pursue a permanent answer to a temporary problem, until we spoke and I suggested it was a business model issue. continue reading…

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By Stefania Aulicino

You can get advice anywhere, but all advice is NOT the same.

Buzz invented a barrier to address flooding when he was digging below the water table for real estate sites in Florida. The effect was a fast solution allowing him to complete projects where other construction companies could not operate.

His “advisors” declared this was perfect for emergency solutions, suggesting entities like FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) would be big customers. Buzz thought that made sense and he spent 6 months trying to get into government agency offices to sell his product, without success.

Why do so many Business Owners accept business advice from their lawyers or accountants?
Nothing wrong with lawyers or CPAs, but you need to understand what kind of advice you will get.
• A lawyer is focused on avoiding risk
• A CPA is focused on documenting the past
How relevant is THAT for a business builder, responsible for profiting from the FUTURE?

The same is true of seeking out advice from a venture capitalist or angel investors.
Nothing wrong with learning about the investor finance world, but only you have spent your entire career to become an expert in your business and they are just learning it.

It DOES make sense to learn from each of your “advisors” about their area of expertise.
Just don’t confuse that with advice relevant for how to build your unique business. continue reading…