New Page 1

By Stefania Aulicino

How do you drive value in your business? Is it planned or spontaneous?
Opportunistic or predicable?

Entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for new profit-making opportunities.
But is your process Re-active or Pro-active?

98% are entrepreneurs are REACTIVE.
What do you think the growth of a Reactive Entrepreneur looks like?
Yes, reactive Entrepreneurs:
• take any client that is willing to work with them to feed their organization so they struggle with commodity prices in an ever increasing world
• can’t attract top talent so growth is exhausting
• these Entrepreneurs are chronically short of cash
This reactive growth like this is more risky than the Optimum Growth Strategy which is proactive.

Yet only 2% of Entrepreneurs are PROACTIVE about focusing on their Optimum Growth Strategy
What do you think the growth of Proactive Entrepreneurs looks like?
Yep, Proactive Entrepreneurs:
• Have their choice of the right clients who happily pay premium prices
• attracts top notch talent to implement their vision
• are a magnet for cash
These proactive E are energized by pursing their Passion and their growth is FAST, PROFITABLE and SAFE.
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