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By Stefania Aulicino

Growing a business deserves to be fun and profitable.

Sara knows the importance of fast customer service when someone wants to buy.
Her expertise is credit card processing and customer support
Her focus is the higher education market, with its unique needs.
She used her innovative approach and became a leader in the field.
Her reward was revenue growth to $ 6 million at a rate which won her a spot on the Inc 500 list of fastest growing companies.

So what is the problem?
She is tired. Work is consuming her time so she can’t do the other things she loves.

Sell ….. Sara was entertaining the idea of selling her company.
Because Sara’s company had low profits today, the valuation she could get was capped.
She had ideas of a new suite of products and some automation which could propel her company to $100 million revenue. Any buyer would tie their purchase price “valuation” to future profits obligating Sara to deliver milestone success for a new owner during a transition period. Problem is she would have no ownership or authority to direct the actions she knew were necessary.

Sara was about to pursue a permanent answer to a temporary problem, until we spoke and I suggested it was a business model issue.

“You can’t solve this from the OUTSIDE (sell it, or hire a “professional CEO”), you need to solve it from the inside- YOU”, I reminder her.

“Why not make the business do what you want?”

Sara began to look at her choices in a different way.
Growth without big profits and easy clients is NOT fun.
In fact growth like that is the result of a business model gone bad.
A business model she could fix for her own benefit.

It’s a legitimate business goal to have fun and wealth.
Doing what you do best is also the source of the most innovative solutions for your clients and marketplace.

Too often, we get tied up and think growth is hard work. Only the wrong business model is hard work. After all you started this business because you saw a new solution, one you were passionate about sharing. Why should expanding your reach change your enjoyment?

Oh, it takes more people to manage- no problem, with profits you get to delegate to the right talent
Oh, it takes more geographic reach- no problem, with profits you get to open new offices and use technology to keep on track as if it were in the same office.
Oh, it takes cash- no problem; when your future is bigger than your past, lots of people want to participate, and it need not be equity!
Oh, it consumes more of my energy: actually it takes less energy to manage a bigger business leaving you with more time to make a difference in the world wherever else you wish.
Oh, it puts our personal equity at risk as we grow: not if you take some partial liquidity—while retaining control —– of your ownership, AND your company’s destiny!

Sara re-considered her options—for Fun and Wealth.

Are you tired of growing your company?
Perhaps it’s worth taking a look at your options INTERNALLY before you sell your golden goose.

If your company is not delivering more fun and more free time, it’s just a business model issue- and we can fix that! Your company is your best vehicle to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Stefania Aulicino, president of CapitalLinkUSA ensures business owns get cash to keep control of a bigger, more profitable company, faster, safer than they ever thought possible- in any economy. Become a magnet for non equity and equity sources to fuel your growth. Explore our tools, solutions and consulting options tailored for different growth stages and different budgets: